Bluenote Communicator Download

  • Patient arrivals are acknowledged in the Waiting Room window. Actual appointment time, arrival time, and length of wait time are included in the view.
  • Noteboard – The virtual DND (Do Not Disturb) is used to prevent communications from interrupting your other software programs such as charting or image acquisitions. This is also helpful when you don’t want patients seeing alerts, like showing a case presentation or patient education.
  • The pushpin button tells BlueNote Communicator to stay on top of all other programs.
  • 'Call for Asst' - A BlueNote is an action or event that needs to happen within a practice. BlueNotes are posted to the NoteBoard in much the same manner that a to-do list can be pegged to a corkboard. When a task is complete, the BlueNote should be removed from the NoteBoard.
  • The core of your communications occur on the NoteBoard. BlueNotes are posted by double-clicking under the location where you want a BlueNote to appear, and cleared by single-clicking an existing BlueNote.
  • Quick Buttons are available for simple programming to make it possible to post BlueNotes to the NoteBoard with a single mouse-click or key. Quick buttons can be instant or dragged and dropped to any location on the NoteBoard.
  • For urgent attention, the High Alert button is used to signal an emergency event or priority need.
  • Click on the Type a Message or Quick Text buttons to open the typed messaging window where longer typed messages can be sent to individuals, all computers, or to assigned groups.
  • Noteboard expands up to 25 virtual locations

Bluenote Communicator Classic

  • The Message Monitor will archive messages and Office Chat conversations sent from SideNotesIM clients. Messages are captured as they are sent across your network, so even if the message was deleted by the sender Message Monitor will still have a copy.
  • Intra-Office Communicator. Blue Note Lights Version 5 / 6; BlueNote Lights Version 7; Chairside 2010 Installation / Migration; Eligibility Verification. Trojan – Changing UNC Path; Trojan Benefit – Updating; Patient Reminder. Installing SR Notify; BAA; Patient Education. MedicTalk; Chairside; VLC Player ISO Mount; Patient.

Bluenote Communicator Support

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